It's been a while, here are some pictures...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
It's been a while, but we're back!
Soooo, I think it has been about 4 months since our last blog.... sorry!!! We are back to try and make up for some lost time. We have done quite a lot in the last 4 months. Mark and I celebrated 6 years together, a mothers day and a fathers day and couldn't be happier being together and being parents. We have been able to see the beauty and wonder that is a growing child. Each and every day brings new joys and also new challenges. As soon as you think you have it figured out, everything changes and it's back to the drawing board or changing table, haa haa! We cherish every moment with our little guy, whether it be a frustrating one or amazing one!
Joel has turned 6, 7, 8, and 9 months and he is only 7 days away from turning 10 months. We can't believe that we are only 2 months away from his first birthday!! He has also taken a few swim lessons, followed by several ear infections (5 total), which resulted in ear tubes that were put in 2 weeks ago. They are working great too, so we will be back in the pool for the summer, yay!! We took a trip to Joshua Tree, visited the Long Beach Aquarium and have taken many, many walks to the park to swing and slide on the playground. Joel has also attended his first and definitely not his last NHL Hockey game as well, he is a Ducks fan all the way!
Joel has also accomplished many "milestones" as the pediatricians like to say.... crawling (6 months), crawling really fast (6.5 months), crawling, then sitting, then crawling again and then pulling himself up to standing (7 months), feeding himself finger foods (8.5 months), and waving good-bye (9 months). Shortly after learning to pull himself up to standing he somehow coerced his daddy to hold his hands so he could walk laps around the house, which he LOVES doing!!!! By coerced, I mean that he smiled and grabbed Mark's fingers and started to walk forward until Mark followed, it was pretty dang cute! He definitely knows what he wants and goes after it. Now he is on the verge of 10 months and is ready to start walking on his own. He has taken about 5 steps on his own, with a little help from momentum ;) I predict that he will figure this skill out in the next week or two, but we will see. All in all, our 20 lbs, two-toothed (working on a 3rd) little bundle of joy is growing leaps and bounds each day and we just can't wait to see what he learns next.
Here are a few pics to catch you all up on the little man....
During all the ear infections, this is usually how the night ended up

These last three are the most recent photos...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
We apologize for the amount of time that has passed between posts but we had to take an Olympic Break and then there's been sicknesses and general busyness. Here is a taste of what we've been up to. Thanks to Grandma Lynette and Aunt Jacquelyn for some of our pictures.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Turning 5 Months
Our little guys is turning 5 months old. Boy, how time flies! Joel wanted us to post these pictures so he could tell you what he's been up to!
I met my mommy's cousin and Rock Star drummer Ryan who was down from Washington.
I learned that I can grab my feet and put my toes in my mouth.
I like to chill out in my robe after a nice bath.
I have a rough time going to sleep sometimes, but it helps when I put my blankie over my eyes and rub my head. My mommy and daddy think it is a little silly.
I have totally mastered the art of rolling over and now I roll off my activity mat. I plan to make it all the way to the kitchen soon ;)
I REALLY like playing with my daddy.
I like to stick my tongue out when I giggle :P
I like to cuddle a lot when I am sleepy.
I like to take the books from my parents....
and read them by myself.
Most of all in my 5 months, I have learned that my Mommy and Daddy love me very much!
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