Sunday, December 6, 2009
He rolled over? But How?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
These are a few of our favorite things
- When after fighting sleep by crying for a while, he gives a sigh of defeat and we know that he's on his way to sleeping.
- The way he grips your finger as if to say "don't ever let go".
- When it's 2 or 3 in the morning and you're completely exhausted and he looks at you and smiles.
- He just discovered that he enjoys his fingers in his mouth. He'll be fussy for you, but you can put him down and he'll calm himself down just by sucking his thumb. (and other fingers)
When he's happy, he smiles and throws his arms down almost saying "hands down you're the best."
- He will look left and right, back and forth almost compulsively for minutes on end. It's almost as if he sees 2 things, one on each side, that he wants to look at and doesn't want to miss the other thing while he's looking at the one.
- While sleeping in a beanie the above mentioned behavior results in the beanie coming down over his eyes all the way down to his nose, and sometimes he sleeps that way.
- He will mainly sleep in the following position: flat on his back, legs bent, arms back behind him flat. Almost like the police have said "freeze" and that's the way he decided to sleep.
He has recently developed some dance steps, while standing he has trouble balancing and keeping his legs straight all the time, so goes up and down and all around in his own way.
He may have the cutest little pouty face in all the land. If he uses that when he's 3 and asks to have something, it's going to be very tough to say no.
- He loves the outdoors, whenever we take him out for a walk he just calms down and takes it all in.
- His eyes get so big when he's excited and it usually followed by THE cutest smile ever. If you haven't had the pleasure of seeing this smile, you are missing out!! Sorry there isn't a picture, we haven't been able to capture a full smile just yet because we are too busy enjoying every second of them.
- He has taken to sticking out his tongue so much so that he is now known as "Mommy's Little Lizard"
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
2 Months Already!
Since his first cry we have heard many different unhappy noises from him and are getting quite good at determining what each of them mean. But after he got 3 more immunization shots at his Doctor's appointment we got to hear a new one. This one is similar to the "not happy where I'm at" cry but mixed with "just hold me" and what we're calling "I hurt and I don't know why." As if all of his cries aren't heartbreaking enough this one cuts right to our core. It is sad to watch our precious child so unhappy when we can't explain to him that why he is upset is to try and ensure his health in the future. The good thing is that the pain is temporary.
Two months into this side of the journey of parenthood and it is tremendously rewarding. We both have felt a sense of the profound meaning of our lives. Our monetary jobs cannot compete with the joy found in the job of raising our child.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Harvest Time
Monday, October 12, 2009
He sleeps fine, thanks for asking
Thursday, September 24, 2009
3 Weeks Later
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
More Precious Moments

Sunday, September 6, 2009
You are my Joy
Monday, August 17, 2009
9 days left
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Showers, Chefs and Doctors
Sorry for the delay in this post. We have been very busy with things that I'm about to tell you and other normal things about life. (working, eating, sleeping) Well since we last wrote Jessica worked on the last minute details of the Registration for the Royal Family Kids camp which went really well. (for more on that ask Jim Farmer) Mark’s co-workers are quite excited for him and they surprised us with gifts of generosity. And there may have been a trip to a place called Urgent Care.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Keep your head down, the Time for action is almost at hand
What’s been happening with the baby you might ask? Well he’s been growing, and Jessica says that he’s quite the little Monkey. Most recently at our 36 week appointment we discovered that he is not in the correct “head down” position. Therefore we had a consultation appointment about a procedure called the External Cephalic Version. This procedure is where trained doctors place their hands on Jessica’s belly and forcibly maneuver the baby to a head down position. After weighing all of our options we decided to go ahead with this procedure. After all it has a 60% success rate, and 93% of the maneuvered babies remain in that position until birth. They did another ultrasound to verify that he still was in the breech (not head down) position and placed some oil on Jessica’s belly to reduce the friction. The doctor asked her if she was ready and she said that she was. Let me say that we were warned of the discomfort of this procedure. There’s a reason why it is commonly referred to as Barbaric Massage. All right back to the story. The basics are, 2 doctors repositioned the baby using force on the belly all the while monitoring Mother and Child. It’s a good thing we had already taken our Preparation For Childbirth class where they taught us some pain management techniques because Jessica testifies that this was a 10 out of 10 on the pain scale After roughly 5 minutes the procedure was successful and Jessica and the baby were monitored for an hour and then released because they were both stellar performers. I am very proud of her excellent attitude throughout the procedure.
Daddy MAK
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Reality Setting In
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Evolution of Kicks
Friday, June 19, 2009
It wasn't me, it was the baby
Recently there has been a little less room in our bed. I understood that Jessica was going to get a little bit bigger, so this was no surprise. But what I did not expect was there to be a pillow that now guards the center of the bed. From what I've been told, I should enjoy sleep now before the baby comes. I was in process of trying to do that, when I had an unexpected visitor join the bed.
When we were newly married or even engaged and we went places that had maternity clothes Jessica wouldn't hesitate to tell me that she is going to look so cute pregnant. I agreed with her then. But now as it's happening, I completely concur. She is the most beautiful pregnant woman Ever! I love her so much. I am continually amazed at how God created this whole process.
Daddy Mak
Saturday, June 6, 2009
My Little Kicker
Creating a life within you is something only a woman can truly understand. That fact in and of itself is by far the most miraculous thing I have experienced! Along with the creation of life come the wonderful movements of the little one within. It all started at about 18 weeks or so for me with tiny, subtle little taps and have grown into full blown punches. Mark and I call it “Soccer Practice”, “Karate Practice” and sometimes I will even say that our little boy is trying to get out. It really is like I have a boxer inside who is sparring with my organs, haa haa!
A few weeks back Mark and I were watching TV, getting ready to go to bed. I was laying down and had begun to feel the little kicks. They got a little stronger and so I had Mark put his hand on my belly and sure enough he could feel the kicks now too. He was so excited!
Another week or so later we were again watching TV before bed and I felt several large, strong kicks and so I pulled back the covers a bit and told Mark to just watch. After a few seconds we both saw this bump come up on my belly and then go back down. WHAT?!?!?! To feel it is one thing, but to see it physically happen, that is just crazy!!! We watched this happen a few more times before the little one calmed down. Each time we looked at each other with such amazement at this extraordinary event, TRULY AMAZING!
All the kicking and subtle movements are now a regular part of my day. Even though they are regular it brings smile to my face each time it happens. We have a pretty active child already, I wonder if that has any foreshadowing for what is to come …..hmmm, we’ll see!
Friday, June 5, 2009
My Growing Belly
It’s A BOY!!
We are both so excited about having a baby and now that we know it is a boy it adds a little personality to the experience.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The ultimate plan (as I saw it) was to have a boy first so that he can be around and protect his younger sister. When we found out that we were pregnant, we were both so excited that God is blessing our family that we had no preference of gender. (seriously) But I cannot lie and say that I am quite ecstatic about having a son first. I have begun dreaming about my hopes for my son. First comes prayers about his health, then I pray about friendship choices, leadership skills, female relationship choices, and that he would be spiritually sensitive to the God of the Universe.
One of the dreams I have is that he will be naturally athletic. A few weeks ago I decided to try and listen to Jessica's belly and check out what I could hear going on. Since we had already had an ultrasound and listened to the baby's heartbeat, I had an idea of what it might be sounding like in there. Until now, I had only heard noises through speakers and such so I thought I'd need to focus really hard because the baby noises might be faint. After a couple of minutes of common belly noises I heard what sounded exactly like a pop (the sound of breaking a bubble or bubble wrap). At that instant I thought, "Wow, that's not something I've ever heard before" and then tried to focus even harder on what could be happening next. What transpired next, or simultaneously really, was not what I was expecting. I felt an impact to my head the likes of which I hadn't experienced before. This impact took me completely by surprise, and I almost leapt off the bed with surprise. I quickly lifted my head, sat up straight and put my hand to my head to check if my head was sensitive to touch. It was quite a force that struck me, whether it was a kick, punch, elbow or knee. It could have been the combination of the shock and the funny popping noise that immediately preceded the impact that frightened me a little bit. To this day, I haven't listened to Jessica's belly again and I don't plan to. It looks like my dreams of his athletic prowess might come true.
Recently we made a purchase for our baby's room. I had some help putting the object together (thanks Steve) but it was still labor intensive and took a number of hours to complete. After it was completed, I thought about spending the night relaxing until Jessica mentioned that there was still more on her honey-do list, rearranging the room. Since she is pregnant I would not let her help in the rearranging of the room. So I heaved and pushed and pulled (using my legs) this new unit into position all by myself. By the time we finished it was 10pm, and I was a little sweaty. I thought to myself, this is what fatherhood is all about. Buying something for the child, putting it together, taking direction from your pregnant wife, getting sweaty and finishing late at night with a huge sense of accomplishment. Baby's first Christmas here I come.
I am excited for this next journey of my life. I understand that my son cannot learn many of the significant things I yearn to teach him until he gets much older, but I'll start by modeling some of those things for him and see what he can pick up. This has already been quite an adventure and I haven't even taken the New Daddy Boot Camp class. I can't wait to meet you, my son.
Daddy MAK
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Cruising to Mexico
If you'd like to see more pictures of this trip please follow this link:
The New Johnson's Wedding Weekend - February 21, 2009
If you'd like to see more pictures of this event, follow this link: